Why this Spamalot song - in all its splendid goofiness - has been surprisingly helpful as I deal with scripture and grief over my brother's sudden, tragic death.
Read MoreI'm Not Dead Yet!

Miracle Stories
Why this Spamalot song - in all its splendid goofiness - has been surprisingly helpful as I deal with scripture and grief over my brother's sudden, tragic death.
Read MoreThe surprising comedy in the story of Jesus' "Feeding of the 5,000" is really just icing on the cake. Of course, for many, that's the best part of the cake to bite into!
Read MoreAt the wedding in Cana, Jesus says in no uncertain terms, "My hour has not yet come." What he does next is reeaaallly funny! And makes Holy Week much more profound.
Read MoreMuch of what we love about contemporary magic acts can actually be found spicing up the work of biblical heroes, making their miraculous work that much more entertaining.
Read MoreThe "Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind" story of John 9 can sound a lot like "Who's on First?" And cable TV news shows....
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